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Posts by Jim Foudy (Page 15)

Helping Refugees

The following comes from Catholic Charities which is the refugee resettlement agency for refugees arriving in the Northampton area. The Haydenville “Circle of Care” is on hold but you’ll see below that there are opportunities to help with refugees. As a Church we are also helping support Irida, an immigrant facing deportation, who is in sanctuary with the UU Society of Northampton.…

A Christmas homily: Make room in your hearts

Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Peter Ives, Haydenville Congregational Chuch,  Christmas Eve, 2018. Based on Luke 2: 1- 20        These were dark and difficult days when a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all should be taxed.  Caesar was trying to raise money for more soldiers, in places like Nazareth, to crush the rebellion against harsh Roman rule. That…

HCC end of year news

The heat is back — and so are we Thanks to the work of  our trustees, and the skills of our HCAC contractor, the Haydenville congregation was able to return to worship in out sanctuary Sunday, Dec. 23. We were able to enjoy a lovely candlelight service, Christmas Eve. There is more work to be done to insulate and improve the energy…

Services in the Season of Advent

Services in the Season of Advent It is the season of Advent as we await the birth of Jesus and start of a new liturgical calendar.  Here is the schedule of Advent services at Haydenville Congregational Church.  We will continue to meet next door in the auditorium of the Town Office Building, 141 Main Street, until further notice. The auditorium is on…