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Posts by Jim Foudy (Page 8)

Let the healing, rebuilding begin

By Andrea Ayvazian The Biden-Harris duo is going to win the election. All the polls show that Biden has a commanding lead, and many of Trump’s core constituents are turning against him as the pandemic rages on. So this column is not about the necessity of “voting like your life depends on it”— we got that. It is not about how we…


An extensive listing of books, readings, movies, videos, websites, and podcasts. Compiled by Karen Browne-Courage for the Haydenville Congregational ChurchPeace and Justice Committee. Updated and expanded December 2021. CLICK HERE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND THE BLACK COMMUNITYBelow is a link to a web site that addresses how racism causes mental health problems and resources available. The material is provided by  Bradley Nance,…

Upping my game to confront racism

 By Annie Turner   There are so many ways I need to up my game. I hope to explore a few of them including: exercise, gardening, cooking, but the most important is digging out the deep well of racism I am confronting in my 74th year.  It doesn’t matter that I dated a Man of Color while at college. It does not…

The 2020 Poor People’s Campaign

The Poor People’s Assembly was and is a powerful 3 hour and 22 minute on-line event. This event represented the 140,000,000 poor and low income people of this country (43%) who are struggling. To watch the broadcast of the PPA go to www.June2020.org, scroll down to “Watch the Broadcast” and click on it. The Rev. Dr. Barber’s terrific speech/sermon can be found at…