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Posts by Jim Foudy (Page 7)

A church transition is our chance to step up

By PAT JAMES Delivered during the Offering on Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021 at Haydenville Congregational Church. We are facing another transition as we plan our farewell to Pastor Don, and I suspect there were at least as many responses to the news as there are members. My responses included dismay, fear, sadness, grief. I worried that our shrinking participation might take us…

Supporting Indigenous People

A partial list of materials and local groups working to tell the true history of the region and address policies and practices of colonialism that continue to impact Indigenous people.  CLICK HERE for the list. And here is a link to “Doables: Actions to Take in Your Communities Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples.”

2021 Robert H. Life Award Recipients

At the service May 16, Nancy Winninger announced that this year we presented two Robert H. Life Scholarship Awards.  Sarah Guiel will be attending Holyoke Community College to complete her General Education Credits. She is interested in Environmental Science and plans to transfer after two years to a four-year college to pursue her interest in Science, further her education to attain an Associate’s…

Lessons from my pandemic

By Annie Turner    There have been many articles about what folks learned during the pandemic, but I want to add my small perspective, in hopes that it may resonate with you. Because it is not quite over. We still have some time to go before we re-enter our lives. And I am hoping we never go back to what some call…