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Posts by Jim Foudy (Page 29)

Exploring Membership Classes: New Series Begins

Would you like to make your relationship with the Haydenville Congregational Church more formal? Would you even like to talk about what that means? Would you like to meet with others and talk about your spiritual journey and what brought you to the Church in the first place? Come to our circle as we “explore” what it means to join a Church…

Fall Book Group Theme: End of Life Issues

  Pastor Andrea will be leading a four-week Book Group this fall to discuss the books Being Mortal by Atul Gawande and When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. Feel free to come even if you have already read only one of the books, or even if you just want to hear others discuss these powerful books that reflect on end-of-life issues,…

From Pastor Andrea

Dear Church Family, With sorrow and calling on the nearness of God, and after much thought, discernment, and prayer, I have decided to retire from the Haydenville Congregational Church. I am feeling sorrow because now in my 12th year, I have served this Church with a joyful and grateful heart and grown to love you dearly and deeply. I know my leaving…