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Posts by Jim Foudy (Page 23)

Kindle The Fires — Part II

My dear siblings, brothers, and sisters, On February 26th – – the final Sunday before Lent – – I preached about our need to kindle the fires that are within our bones. Each one of us possesses God-given gifts that we are called to share, and so many of us are passionate about a wide variety of social justice causes. Like the…

Making Face Time with God

Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. – Exodus 33:11 Embedded in the loveliness of this image—God and Moses hanging out in the tent of meeting, chilling and catching up like a couple of old pals—are two of the saddest words in the English language: “used to.”  They hint at loss, decline, a…

Finding Joy in Times of Fear and Uncertainty

By Annie Turner — If you are at all like me, you are probably eating far too much, (“I NEED four cookies!”), maybe slipping in another glass of wine each night over your limit, doing retail therapy, and lying on the couch watching reruns of “Scrubs” or SNL. Sigh. Also spending far too much time on social media, Facebook, Twitter, and obsessively…

Resources for Black Lives Matter series

Resources for BLM Series Haydenville Congregational Church 2/12/17 UCC Resources Toyan Harper, Jr. (TJ) is a new Associate for Racial Justice Ministries for the  Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ.  In this role he will seek to provide leadership and training in the area of racial justice ministries; coordinate and guide the work of MACUCC staff, clergy and lay leaders in this…

Annual Meeting Feb. 26

Call to the Annual Meeting February 26, 2017 following Worship Due to inclement weather, the Annual Meeting of the Haydenville Congregational Church, United Church of Christ was postponed until Sunday, February 26th following the worship service. Please plan on staying to review the Annual Report and vote on many important issues. All members have a vote and are encouraged to attend. Non-members…