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Posts by Jim Foudy (Page 21)

Help us write the Church Profile

On Sunday, May 21 there will be a second all-church meeting led by the Profile Writing Committee as it addresses the questions the UCC profile asks us to answer as we search for a new settled pastor. The Profile Writing Team, led by Rev. Peter Wells,  needs the whole congregation to help answer these and other questions. . We will focus on…

Profile Writing Team Update and How You Can Help

The Church Profile Writing Team is hard at work. Members are gathering information, starting conversations with church members and addressing the pages of questions presented by the United Church of Church Local Church Profile Template They are working with Rev. Peter Wells, former Area Minister for the Massachusetts UCC. The profile, which will be completed in September, will describe who we are as…

A lesson in acceptance at Micky D’s

By ANN TURNER — Does it seem at times as if we have fallen through the rabbit hole in “Alice in Wonderland”? The things which we took for granted:       –health care      –protections for workers      –clean air      –an end to coal      –respect for women’s bodies      –protections for the LGBTQ community…