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Posts by Jim Foudy (Page 14)

Role of our Peace and Justice group

Posted June 2019 The Peace and Justice Steering Committee keeps our congregation aware of emerging and ongoing issues in our world, as well as opportunities for action. Some of the issues we have been bringing forward and groups we are working with are:•Support of immigrants targeted by ICE and the two immigrants in sanctuary at the UU of Northampton, andFirst Church in…

Our new settled pastor

After more than 18 months of searching and discernment, we called Pastor Don Morgan to become the settled pastor of Haydenville Congregational Church.  Almost 70 people enjoyed a potluck supper with Pastor Don Saturday June 8 and on Sunday, June 9 Don preached a rollicking sermon that opened with a call and response Gospel song. (The service was videotaped and can be viewed here.) …

Candidate for Settled Pastor Announced

Dear Beloved Community, The HCC Search Committee is grateful to report that we would like to welcome Reverend Donald Morgan to become our half-time settled pastor.  Don’s Candidating Sermon, followed by an all church meeting and vote, will be on Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 10:00 AM.  Don is currently pastor of a UCC church in Red Oak Iowa. Here is what…

Love in a time of climate emergency

Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 19, 2019Delivered by the Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas at Haydenville Congregational Church, Haydenville, MA John 13:31-15 What a blessing to be with you this morning! I serve as Missioner for Creation Care for the Massachusetts Conference UCC, and for the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts. I travel from place to place, speaking about our…

Trees: A spiritual connection

By Pat James I’ve had several trees that I counted as special. Trees I climbed, explored, hid in, hung from by my knees, read in, ate from, and a few times, fell from. A while ago Carla posted a video of Kai scampering up a tall tree as if she belonged there, as if it were home.  Did you have a special…