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Posts by Jim Foudy

December Community Gatherings

Christmas Carol Sing-A-Long Sunday Dec. 15, 2-3 p.m. Cookies, Cocoa and Jeff Olmsted at the piano Community Potluck Dinner December 20, 6-8 p.m All are welcome. Bring a dish to share and a friend or two. Or just come and enjoy the company More caroling at the potluck Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Tuesday, December 24, 4 p.m.  An Intergenerational Worship Service led…

Hero In Me, In All of Us

Sermon delivered at Haydenville Congregational Church Oct. 20, 2024. Hi, my name is Carla Imperial, and I am an imposter. Introduction In September of 2001, Megan and I set out on a much-needed respite from our demanding work lives. We headed as far north as we could before reaching the Canadian border, to a remote lake in Vermont. Our cabin had no…

Election Day Sale

We are holding a special fall fundraiser during polling hours on Election Day. In addition to raising funds, we hope that our church can provide a place of sanctuary for our community during this day of uncertainty and anxiety. We will be offering free coffee & tea to voters and ‘Free Meal’ tokens to poll workers. A portion of the proceeds will…

Growing Together  — Homecoming Sunday Sermon

Based upon 1 Corinthians 12:4-16, September 29, 2024 Rev. Mark Seifried @ Haydenville Congregational Church, UCC For more than a few years, I have been reading about the decline of the mainline church. The mainline church has historically included our congregation. Back in 2008, church historian Phyllis Tickle pointed out that every five hundred years or so the church experiences convulsions as…