The Poor People’s Assembly was and is a powerful 3 hour and 22 minute on-line event. This event represented the 140,000,000 poor and low income people of this country (43%) who are struggling. To watch the broadcast of the PPA go to, scroll down to “Watch the Broadcast” and click on it. The Rev. Dr. Barber’s terrific speech/sermon can be found at the 2 hour 47 minute mark on the video and it goes to the 3 hour and 22 minute mark which is the end of the PPA video. Please watch the whole thing if you can. You will be inspired.
ADD YOUR VOICE — Here is a Link for the PPC open letter to national lawmakers. You can sign.It includes a list of demands.HERE IS AN ARTICLE about the Poor People’s Campaign that appeared in the New York Times by Rev. Barber, Rev. Theoharris, Timothy Tyson and Cornell West.