The Green Zone:
The Environmental Costs of Militarism
Lecture by Author
Barry Sanders
Thursday, April 21, 7:30 PM
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
Smith College Campus
An examination of the relationship between
U.S. militarism and ecological destruction
Sponsored by Smith Environmental Science & Policy Program; Smith Department of Anthropology;
Smith Spirituality in Action; Five College Peace & World Security Studies; Five College Sustainability Studies Program; Mt Holyoke Miller Worley Center for the Environment; Smith College Lecture Committee;
Alliance for Peace & Justice; Arise for Social Justice; Clean Water Action; Collective Copies; Flyby News; GREEN Northampton; International Socialist Organization; Karuna Center for Peace Building;
Leverett Peace Committee; Mass Bike/Pioneer Valley; Massachusetts Peace Action;
Northampton Committee to Stop the Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan; Northampton Democratic City Committee;
Peace & Social Concerns, Mt. Toby Friends; Physicians for Social Responsibility/Pioneer Valley;
Peace, Justice & Environmental Studies @ Greenfield Community College;
Progressive Democrats of America; Western Mass AFSC; & Western Mass Code Pink.