Report from the Congregational Meeting…..
Participants at the Congregational Meeting Sunday October 16 voted (64 to 25) to offer our Associate Pastor Chris Mereschuk the opportunity to serve as the Acting Pastor following the retirement of Pastor Andrea on January 2, 2017. This plan means that Chris would serve as Acting Pastor while the church prepares its profile to present to potential candidates for the settled pastor position. The search process could take one year.
A search committee, made of people nominated by the congregation, will be selected in 2017 to review candidates. Keeping with UCC recommendations, If Pastor Chris decides to apply to be the Settled Pastor, his application will be considered first before other candidates are reviewed.
Upon receiving the news of this vote, Pastor Chris expressed great excitement, and is honored and humbled to be entrusted with this position. In the coming days, the Transitional Leadership Team will work with Pastor Chris to finalize the details of this offer.
Thank you, everyone, for your feedback, ideas, and support as we head together into this time of transition.