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Peace and Justice Blog

The roots of our Peace and Social Justice Work

 Doug Renick, a member of the Peace and Justice Steering Committee, recently offered the Opening Words in worship. He used the occasion to talk about Haydenville Congregational Church’s social justice mission. And he offered scripture passages and other readings to explain why we do the work we do. The text of his remarks can be found in the Inspiration Blog on our website.   PEOPLE WE…

HCC Actions for Racial Justice

On October 3, 2021 the church held its second Racial Justice Forum organized by our Racial Equity Leadership Team (RELT) members Amihan Matias and Carla Imperial. Here is the list of work done since June 2020 as complied by the RELT. Here is the list of ideas for moving forward. Here is the RELT proposal to become a standing committee of the…

Racial Equity Leadership Team mission statement

Article XV. Racial Equity Leadership Team The Racial Equity Leadership Team shall: Section 1: As an outgrowth of the church’s commitment to racial equity and justice, be responsible for: A. Supporting the congregation and community to center and embed racial equity and justice in every aspect of the church to create an inclusive and equitable culture, community life, worship, policies, and practices. …

Supporting Indigenous People

A partial list of materials and local groups working to tell the true history of the region and address policies and practices of colonialism that continue to impact Indigenous people.  CLICK HERE for the list. And here is a link to “Doables: Actions to Take in Your Communities Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples.”