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From Pastor Andrea

Dear Church Family,
With sorrow and calling on the nearness of God, and after much thought, discernment, and prayer, I have decided to retire from the Haydenville Congregational Church.
I am feeling sorrow because now in my 12th year, I have served this Church with a joyful and grateful heart and grown to love you dearly and deeply. I know my leaving will be emotional—for me and for you. But I also know that God will be present to us all. We will be led, comforted, and guided.
My plans are to devote myself to work on the task of raising awareness about climate change issues within houses of worship. I trust that doors will open and I will find ways to focus my energy and provide some leadership on this pressing global issue within communities of faith.
Serving the Haydenville Church these past many years has been the greatest honor, pleasure, and joy of my life. We have grown in so many ways together, you have taught me much, forgiven my many mistakes, and been wonderful companions on our ever-deepening spiritual journeys.
I have served you with my whole heart. And you have, in return, extended so much love, understanding, patience, and compassion to me. I will forever be grateful.
Do not have fears or anxiety about the transition that lies ahead. The Council of Deacons and the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Rev. Jill Graham, our Associate Conference Minister, will form a Search Committee and will guide the Church through this time of change.
I will continue to serve as your Senior Pastor through the end of 2016. My final Sunday will be January 1, 2017.
In the coming months, I look forward to meeting with you individually and collectively to say good-bye. We are a Church committed to good good-byes and we will weep, pray, and talk together as the fall turns to winter.

With loving blessings, Andrea




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