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Occupy Movement

We are the 99%! Banks got baled out and we got sold out! I wish I could afford to buy my own
politician! Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho corporate greed has got to go! Why are they wiggling their fingers like
that? Got a minute to talk about why this country is heading in the wrong direction? And how do
you feel about the inequality of income and wealth in this country? We have the best democracy
that money can buy! People in tents. Tear gas. Pepper spray. 700 arrested on Brooklyn Bridge. No
bankers or brokers arrested. What is going on?

Such a swirl of images, sounds and sound bites. The Peace and Justice Steering Committee hosted
a conversation about the occupy movement on December 1st at our beloved Bread Euphoria.
Seven of us shared our perceptions, our questions and our hopes for this movement. This
conversation was summarized well by the prayer written by Lisa Hall on behalf of the group and
included in the following Sunday’s Prayers of the People.

“Prayers for the Occupy movement across the country and the world -- for its inclusive, non-violent,
awakening spirit. For the way it is getting conversations going between people of all kinds, and
helping the 99% find their connection and their voice. Bless those who have committed their lives to it,
and those who are just curious. And bless the positive changes it could bring to our world.”

Those who met want to keep the conversation about the movement and the movement’s issues
(our issues) alive at Haydenville Congregational. Watch for coffee hour conversations and other
opportunities to talk about this. Also watch for opportunities to act—our own actions and actions
supporting Occupy Northampton when possible.

Here’s a report on a previous occupation that relates to our series on poverty: “With the Poor People’s
Campaign, Martin is talking about taking these poor people to Washington, build tents, and live on the
[Washington] mall until this country does something about poverty… Can you imagine what would
happen if all these black and white and brown people go to Washington and build tents and live in
tents in Washington?” - Reverend Samuel Kyles.

If you want more information here are some sources: <occupywallstreet.org> <occupytogether.org>
<youtube.com/occupytv> Google “Occupy Northampton” to connect with our local group and find
out when and where they are holding their general assemblies. Go to a general assembly to see who’s
involved and what local and national issues they are discussing. Stay tuned.

Submitted by Doug Renick for P&JSC